White wine as a remedy for the economic crisis? It’s possible that the lower prices for white wine could make them more competitive. “White wines are currently experiencing a very happy period” – explained Michele Bernetti, head of the winery Umano Ronchi, considered one of Italy’s most important and prestigious, which he runs together with his father Massimo Bernetti – “starting with it lower prices. Evidently reds are the most sold wines in the world, but in this particular economic situation whites know how to find an efficient position and are capable, even though it may not be a definitive change in balances, of giving a very important contribution to the balancing of sales”.
To this most immediate element another strong point can be added: white wine is now also becoming trendy, especially among the more savvy wine enthusiasts. Important white wines, obtained from varietals of great value like Verdicchio, are progressively conquering the public for their ageing capabilities, equivalent to that of great reds.
“Evidently, the maintaining of whites over time, especially those made from important varietals like Verdicchio, has been noted” – explained Bernetti – “and, currently, this characteristic seems to be decidedly prized by the clientele. Today, great whites are increasingly considered equal to important reds. An old vintage of white wine manages to arouse the same curiosity and passion as that of a red wine and…allows white wines to be liberated from the idea of products for immediate consumption, adding further occasions for consuming this typology”.
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