Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Moët et Chandon at the top for wine brands value: it is worth 1.225 billion dollars

In the top 10 of Brand Finance also Martini, at position no. 9. The only one to grow in 2021 is Dom Pérignon
Moët et Chandon at the top for value of wine brands

The total value of the world’s top 10 most valuable wine brands dropped 10%, from $7.4 billion in 2020 to $6.7 billion in 2021, as a natural consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, with restrictions and closure of the hospitality industry limiting opportunities for consumption and sharing. Despite an 11% drop in brand value to $1.225 billion, Moët et Chandon, in the top ten compiled by “Brand Finance”, a company specializing in the analysis and strategies of major brands, confirms its title as the world’s most valuable Champagne & Wine brand for the second year in a row. Not only, because the griffe symbol of the Lvmh luxury group is also the strongest brand in the category, with a Brand Strength Index score of 77.9 out of 100. In second place, with a value of 1.174 billion dollars, down 12.9% compared to 2020, the Chinese giant Changyu, which confirms last year’s position. On the lowest step of the podium, another Champagne, Veuve Clicquot, which gains one position over last year, with a brand value of $855 million, down 10.9%.
At position no. 4 there is American Chandon, a brand that lost 16.1% of its value in 2021, standing at 827 million euros. In fifth position, Dom Pérignon, the only brand in the “Brand Finance” ranking dedicated to Champagne & Wine to record a growth in brand value, with an increase of 2%, to 820 million dollars. Another brand in Lvmh’s chain, it has always remained on the crest of the wave, thanks in part to the campaign with Lady Gaga and Nicola Formichetti, with proceeds from sales of the limited edition of “Dom Pérignon Rosé 2005” to be donated to charity. Then, at position no. 6, one of the most popular brands in the world, that of Barefoot, which is worth 509 million dollars (-3.8%), followed at no. 7 and no. 8 by two Australians: Lindeman’s, which is worth 367 million dollars, following a drop of 31.3%, and Beringer, which marks the biggest drop in the top ten (-35%) and is worth 300 million dollars.
At position no. 9 there is also room for a historic brand of Italy, Martini, which means Vermouth, Prosecco, Asti and Brut, for a value, according to “Brand Finance” of 295 million dollars (-21%). Closing the ranking is Chile’s most iconic wine brand, Concha y Toro, a new entry in the “Champagne & Wine 10 2021”, in tenth position, with a brand value of $293 million. With distribution in 135 countries, Concha y Toro is the largest wine producer and exporter in Latin America. Over the past year, the brand has benefited from a significant increase in sales, particularly in the UK and Nordic countries. With plans to focus on its portfolio of premium brands and further expand the wines in the Casillero del Diablo range, Concha y Toro shows no signs of slowing down in the coming year either.

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