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No ProWein in Sao Paulo, but confirmed the stop in Shanghai: the world of wine at two speeds

The German fair returns to Asia, from November 10 to 12. Waiting for the main event, the ProWein in Düsseldorf (March 21-23, 2021)
events, FAIRS, PROWEIN, WINE, News
ProWein reorganizes the calendar of appointments in the world

With China ready to restart, and the Americas still in full crisis, the Coronavirus seems to have divided the world, which is now forced to travel at two speeds, even in the world of wine, with the great world events that are reorganizing and adapting to the new global order. Thus, ProWein, one of the most important and expected events for wine around the world, waiting for the return of the Düsseldorf Fair, postponed because of Covid to 2021 (March 21-23), also rethink the other events in the various countries.

Starting with the postponement of ProWein São Paulo, scheduled for October 20-22, postponed until 2021 precisely because of the still critical situation in Brazil: the decision comes because of unclear government directives, which would cause too many difficulties in the organization. But, as anticipated, China is traveling at a different speed, in full restart: here ProWein will land from November 10-12, in Shanghai (just as Vinitaly will make its debut with Wine to Asia in Shenzhen, November 9-11, editor’s note), thanks also to the precise guidelines on the organization of events, which is also an encouraging sign for the world of wine, which needs, as well as wants, to return to normality.

Hoping that the health and economic situation will improve, in the meantime ProWein has also put on the calendar other wine events, both in Asia, with a stop in Singapore, from March 2-5, 2021, and then in Hong Kong, from May 12-14, 2021.

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