In a socio-political framework full of tensions, conflicts, and uncertainty such as the one the world is going through today, it is difficult to overstate long-term expectations. However, according to the EU Agriculture Commission, between now and 2030, for EU wine (from which the UK will have left), according to the latest “Eu Agricultural Outlook”, we can expect a substantial stabilization of production (which is 2018 was 168 million hectoliters, emissions, 2% above the average of the last 5 years, with Italy, France, and Spain accounting for more than 80% of the total), around 165 million hectolitres, as well as national consumption, which should stabilise at 25.3 liters per capita between now and the next 12 years.
With a change in consumption that will still be determined by the growth of sparkling wines and lighter white wines, and by economic growth in the member countries of Eastern Europe, which will compensate, according to the commission, the drop in consumption in other countries, which will have a major impact, among other things, all that is related to health. At the same time, exports of EU wine should continue to grow, which in 2017/2018 was 24 million hectoliters, with a growth of 2% per year in the last 10 years.
Between now and 2030, EU wine exports are expected to grow by 1.6% per year to 27 million hectoliters. The export chapter, in which, once again, sparkling wines emerge. While exports of still wines, bottled in the last 5 years, have grown by 11%, those of sparkling wines have shown a boom of +36%, and now account for 14% of all EU wine exports. According to the data, sparkling wines will take shares from still wines.
Among the interesting facts, exports from the Union of bulk wines (which now account for 15% of the total) will fall, while imports (which already account for 63%) of the total will increase, with total wine imports at EU level expected to increase by 7% between now and 2030. Other trends reported by the Commission's outlook include the increasing concentration of the production system, with fewer winemakers, larger sizes, and the growth in the area (and production) of organic wine (in 2016 the area under vines was 9% of the total EU area (already over 313.00 total hectares).
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