Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Prosecco Doc: increasingly focused on sustainability, and connected to the world of sport

The future of Venetian-Friulian bubbles, with the Consortium launching the PRO.S.E.C.CO project, inspired by Equality, and linked to sport

Increasingly strong on the markets of Italy and the world, focused on sustainability, linked to sport, as a support for important events, but also as a driver of communication, in Italy and around the world: this is the Prosecco Doc, the economic locomotive of Italian wine, with 466 million bottles placed on the market in 2018 (+6%) compared to 2017, for a value of consumer sales of 2.3 billion euros (+13.4%). After having already linked its brand to sports events such as SuperBike and MotoGp, of which it is the official toast on the podium, but also to Moto-E, the first world championship dedicated to electric motorcycles, but also to Barcolana, the historic sailing regatta held every year in the Gulf of Trieste, will be the official bubble of the World Alpine Ski Championships in Cortina in 2021, it will also support Cortina’s candidacy for the 2026 Winter Olympics. “Where there is sport, there is someone who wins and toasts, and Prosecco is the perfect protagonist in the glass”, - announced Stefano Zanette, president of the Consorzio del Prosecco Doc, to WineNews - at the meeting at Vinitaly, which celebrated this link with sport, together with the deputy director of Gazzetta dello Sport, Pier Battista Bergonzi, in Mitja Gialuz-President of Barcolana, Marc Saurina, commercial director of Dorna, Carlo Iacovini of Energica, and the ski champion Kristian Ghedina, Ambassador of Fondazione Cortina 2021.
And in the leitmotif of sport, particularly in the connection with electric motorcycles, sailing, and skiing, there is sustainability, another fundamental driver for the future of Prosecco, with the Consortium which, on the basis of the Equality protocol, launched the PRO.S.E.C.CO. Doc project (Sustainability and Control Scheme of the ProseccoDOC wine sector) - coordinated by an operating group that sells in the field, the Consortium, the Cantina di Conegliano and Vittorio Veneto, Le Carline di Piccini, Le Rive di Bonato Andrea & Luigi , Santa Margherita, Villa Sandi, University of Padua - Cirve and Green Enterprise Treviso-Belluno - prototype of sustainable management system of the Denomination which, as for the certification created by the company Equalitas (controlled by Federdoc and participated by CSQA-Valoritalia, 3A vino and Gambero Rosso), moves on the environmental, ethical-social and economic pillars. All with the aim of achieving a certified sustainability at territorial level in the future.
“This initiative - explained Zanette - is very important for us, because it allows us to verify directly, both with the farms and with the wineries that can certify the product, which are the possible criticalities and the real possibilities for improvement, including the management of costs at the company level. This is fundamental to be able to implement the project and use it for our entire production system, in order to have sustainability certified at the territorial level. Sustainability today is no longer just a community need, it is also a need for companies because it is required by the market. Therefore, starting on time and creating this new mentality is very important. That’s the future. I am a great supporter of Equalitas and PRO.S.E.C.CO. DOC uses not by chance all the protocols proposed by it. This is also in order to allow the wineries to obtain this same certification. It is necessary to pass through the sustainability of the company and the product, but what we want to achieve as a denomination is the highest aspiration, that is territorial certification”.

“At Vinitaly 2018 - said Riccardo Ricci Curbastro, president of Federdoc - we awarded the first pioneers of Equalitas, aware of the need to focus on a priority theme for the sector. Today, instead, we present ourselves in Verona with a further strengthened team (with new entries like Arnaldo Caprai, Allegrini and Tedeschi, ed.), and above all with the firm conviction that sustainability is now an indispensable driving force for the future of our sector. With this certification, we adress companies to undertake production dynamics based on an approach oriented to all-around protection, from the cellar to the bottle, and especially integrated into the environmental, social and economic dimensions. A certainly challenging but fundamental path to be competitive on international markets. It is no coincidence, therefore, that more and more people are interested in the Equalitas model”.


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