Aubert de Villaine - Domaine de la Romanée-Conti (France), Paul Draper - former head of production of Ridge Vineyards (USA), Peter Gago - Penfolds (Australia), Richard Geoffroy - former chef de Cave Dom Pérignon (France), Roberto Conterno - Giacomo Conterno (Italy): here is the shortlist of candidates for “The Golden Vines Hall of Fame Award”, the prize destined to those who have distinguished themselves for particular goals achieved during their life in the production of fine wine, or for specific high-level services in the wine sector, of the prestigious “The Golden Vines Award” 2021, the “Wine Oscars” signed by Liquid Icons, a research company in the wine sector of high international level. With a noble purpose: the purpose of the event, staged on October 7, in London, is to reward the protagonists of the wine industry and raise funds for the Gerard Basset Wine Education Charitable Foundation, dedicated to the great sommelier who died in 2019, with the aim of funding wine education programs related to diversity and interracial inclusion.
The names of the nominees for the category “Technology and Innovation”, The Golden Vines Innovation Award, have also been revealed, among which Amorim Cork Italia, world leader in the production of cork stoppers, stands out, alongside the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), the Department of Viticulture and Oenology of UC Davis, California, Coravin and the Wine & Spirit Education Trust (Wset).
“This nomination is an exciting recognition - comments Carlos Veloso dos Santos, CEO of Amorim Cork Italia - to be among the five global companies considered avant-garde from the point of view of innovation in the wine sector is an honor. For us it also means a noble responsibility: to continue on the path of scientific and technological investments for a future always more performing. The uncorking experience is a ritual for us and we want it to be a worthy prelude to the toasts and an integral part of the celebration”.
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