Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Rosé wine on social networks with the Pink Wine emoticon by Consorzio del Chiaretto e Bardolino

Two glasses of pink wine and a heart: the request submitted to the Unicode Consortium for rosé on Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter
The rosé wine emoticon

In an era like the one we are living in, in which communication is at the center of everything, simplification and speed assume a fundamental role. In every context. Even, precisely, when you choose social media to keep in touch or say your opinion, using emoji, essential on Instagram and WhatsApp, very useful on Twitter, a little less so on Facebook. There is, literally or almost, one for everything. Even for wine, of course. There is a glass of red, but also a bottle of sparkling wine and two flutes of bubbles. The emoji of white wine and the one of rose wine are obviously missing. The Consorzio del Chiaretto e del Bardolino has decided to make up for this lack by submitting a request to Unicode Consortium, the Californian organization which supervises the rules of computer writing, in order to include the emoticon dedicated to pink wine among the ones available on the devices of the whole world.
“If we write about wine to our friends on WhatsApp, on Instagram, on Facebook - explains Franco Cristoforetti, president of the Consorzio del Chiaretto e del Bardolino - we can use the representations of a glass of red, two flûte or a bottle of sparkling wine, but the representation of pink wine is totally missing. This is a heritage of the marginalization that the world of rose wine has suffered for decades and that continues to exist despite the fact rose wine is the real new great trendy phenomenon of the world since some years, with astronomical growths in the United States of America, as well as here in Italy, where Bardolino Chiaretto, with its 10 million bottles, is the production leader. It is now time to put an end to this communicative lack and to allow wine lovers from all over the world to fully express their love for pink wine”.
This is the reason why the emoji Pink Wine, created by the Veronese studio Paffi for the Consorzio del Chiaretto e del Bardolino, depicts two glasses of pink wine in the act of toasting, crowned by a small heart, pink as well of course. “Just like there are white and red wines, there are also pink wines. Why - Cristoforetti insists - do not give them a representation among the emoticons used on the main social channels? Wine drinkers have the pleasure of sharing it, talking about it and describing it with every possible means, and for pink wine today there is not this option on the graphic side”.
In addition to the request submitted to the Unicode Consortium, in support of the candidacy of the Pink Wine emoticon there will be a collection of signatures that will start on the 21st of #oggirosa, the national day dedicated to Italian rosé wines. The first to sign the request for approval of the emoji by Unicode will obviously be Cristoforetti, also in his role as president of Rosautoctono, the Institute of Italian Autochthonous Pink Wine, which includes the consortia that protect the historical names of Italian pink wine: Chiaretto di Bardolino, Valtènesi Chiaretto, Cerasuolo d'Abruzzo, Castel del Monte Bombino Nero and Castel del Monte Rosato, Salice Salentino Rosato and Cirò Rosato. The petition will continue both online, through a special social campaign, and during the evenings of 100 Note in Rosa, the summer music festival that includes a calendar of more than one hundred concerts in Verona, in the province and on Lake Garda.

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