Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Signorvino reaches 25 stores in Italy: new opening (no. 6 in 2021) in Milan

The growth of the Veronesi Group’s wineshop chain continues, and it is also focusing on the format of a pure sales wine shop, without catering

“There is a great desire for sociability and toasting, and this drives consumption. In the lockdown, many people have used wine "to travel", and consumption, which is often very local, has diversified. The average price has also risen a little, which for us already started at 15 euros a bottle. We are looking at new openings, in Italy, but also abroad, starting with Poland and Austria”. These words, reported to WineNews by Luca Pizzighella, Signorvino brand ambassador, quickly became facts. Because at the topping of a year that smells of a robust recovery for the “away from home” wine market, despite the many uncertainties still linked to the pandemic, the Veronesi group’s “wineshops chain” has opened its 25th store in Italy, in Corso Vittorio Emanuele in Milan. This becomes Signorvino No. 5 in Milan, bringing the total number of openings in 2021 to six.
Milan, therefore, with the new 300 square meter store and more than 2,000 labels in the assortment, will host a new format for Signorvino, “a further promotional space for getting to know the products of Italy’s most intriguing winemakers: this is a business test, a place where there will be no restaurant offer but only a wine shop service with the aim of developing an even more widespread presence in Italy”.
The intention is to create a further point of reference in the city, close to consumers, convenient and with an innovative slant, with visual, chromatic and immediate indications capable of providing suggestions to customers for an increasingly functional establishment. “This project represents a new stimulus for us, but also the will of Signorvino - comments the General Manager, Federico Veronesi - to open wine shops to reinforce what is the real core business of the group: promoting and marketing the most representative bottles of Italian wine territories with shops dedicated to take-away only. Despite the pandemic period, we have always believed in retail, accepted new challenges and implemented ambitious but concrete projects. After having worked on specialized direct sales combined with a food section, the implementation of multi-channels and the "O2O" (off-line to on-line) method, this test will be important for Signorvino to study the sales trends of these new meeting points between producer and consumer, and to monitor the performance and behavior of customers in take-away-only stores”.

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