Stefano Berzi is the “Best Sommelier in Italy by the Italian Sommelier Association 2021 - Trentodoc Award”, signed in partnership by the largest Italian sommelier association, headed by Antonello Maietta, and by the Trentodoc Institute, headed by Enrico Zanoni, which protects the Trentino’s “mountain bubbles”, one of the best quality expressions of the Italian sparkling wine.
Born in Bergamo, owner of the Enoteca Hosteria del Vapore in Carrobbio degli Angeli in the province of Bergamo, Berzi was awarded the prize at the AIS National Congress no. 54 in Bologna, after beating Davide D’Alterio, sommelier at the Enoteca Pinchiorri in Florence, a three-starred temple of haute cuisine and good drinking, Simone Vergamini of Wineafterwine in Capannori (Lucca) and Massimo Tortora of the Enoteca La Cantina di Massimo in Livorno.
The recognition arrived after passing the regional selections together with numerous other wine professionals, from all over Italy, and after a final in which the competing sommeliers were judged by the winners of the previous editions of the competition, as well as by members of Ais - Italian Association Sommelier, by sector journalists and by the TrentoDoc Institute. “I am very proud of this success: the competition is a precious recognition that rewards the personal growth and professional training of the sommeliers. Becoming the Best Sommelier in Italy is a dream that has been developed for years and that requires great preparation. It is a privilege for the Italian Sommelier Association, together with the Trento Doc Institute, to award Stefano Berzi today”, commented Antonello Maietta, president of the Italian Sommelier Association.
“The synergy with the Italian Sommelier Association - added Enrico Zanoni, president of the Trento Doc Institute - is a fundamental step for the affirmation of our brand, as an emblem of excellent sparkling wine. Being a partner of the Best Sommelier of Italy Competition, which rewards the best among those who promote the culture of quality drinking with great professionalism, is for us the perfect seal of this collaboration”.
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