“10 million euros to support the storage of PDO and PGI wines, certified or capable to become such, and held in facilities located in the national territory”: this is what the decree of the Ministry of Agriculture, which received the green light in the State-Regions Conference, provides.
“A further tool to cope with the markets crisis in the wine sector – explains a note from the Ministry – consequent to the spread of Covid-19, in particular in the Horeca channel. The text provides for the extension of the measure also to bottled wines, the application of sanctions in case of failure to maintain the commitment and the possibility for companies to give up in case of proportional reduction for excess of requests. The applications to obtain the contribution will have to be submitted by the producers of each plant on the Sian portal (National Agricultural Information System) according to the provisions of Agea which, with a subsequent circular, will establish the modalities and the period of presentation for a maximum of 5 days”.
“We put in place a further tool to support the wine sector”, said the Undersecretary for Agricultural Policies, with delegation for wine, Gian Marco Centinaio:>/B> “this is good news for those who have been penalized in recent months”.
The decree on storage comes after the two decrees, signed in recent days, with which the Ministry has extended the deadlines for the programs of the CMO Promotion in Third Countries, and the authorizations for the planting of vineyards.
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