Investing in a difficult moment, focusing on the promotion of quality products and creating new jobs is the recovery message that Signorvino has launched in the post-lockdown era. And, it is keeping its promise announced during the period of forced closure; that is, inaugurating the new store, number 18, on July 15th. Signorvino has chosen the Capital of Italian culture 2020-2021, Parma, to celebrate “coming of age”. The store will be in the Gallery, just a step away from the historic center of the city. The occasion of this new opening has the aim of also building real ties with the territory; therefore, Signorvino will also present a wine created in collaboration with Ceci, the wine brand symbol of the territory - a limited edition of Lambrusco Otello produced in 2.000 bottles only, winner of several awards, which is a combination of taste and territory and the labels designed by young Parma artists.
Signorvino is launching a strong signal to the sector and to consumers. “It is a message”, explained Signorvino’s general manager, Federico Veronesi, “full of meaning, as well as a real pleasure for Signorvino to be in an area that is so important for Italian agro-food and for all of Made in Italy”. “We are very optimistic”, Luca Pizzighella, at the helm of Signorvino, told WineNews, “we reopened immediately, as soon as it became possible, taking all the necessary precautions and the safety measures, and we perceive in-store performance improvement week by week, as people are starting to come out again. It is very important to have open spaces, and fortunately all our stores have open-air sectors and sidewalk space. We are happy, we foresee interesting performances, obviously not at 2019 levels, but very good. It is clear that we it will be more difficult in some cities, such as Milan, which in addition to being one of the most affected cities, feels the lack of tourism heavily, as office customers are now doing smart working, which clearly cuts lunch breaks and aperitifs at the end day. In general, though, there are good signs, also in the name of a new interest in choosing wine, and the desire to explore. We also started online selling, which still remains an integration of our service for us, given that our focus is the in-store experience on the premises. However, we have launched free deliveries throughout Italy, the possibility of ordering online and picking up in the store, and a service where you can order in the store and the wine will be delivered to your home in a very short time frame. We are continuing our plans for development, a bit slowed down, perhaps, but we believe in recovery. And, we can go so far as to say that between positive signs arriving and new openings we aim at least for a draw with last year’s budget (around 35 million euros, ed.)”.
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