There are many protocols and networks of companies committed to sustainability, and important ones too, but often specific and sectoral. But there are also networks that range across sectors, and led by organizations of absolute authority. Such as the United Nations “Global Compact”m which one joins on a voluntary basis, and which involves integrating the “Ten Principles” that are fundamental in one’s business strategy to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals set forth in the 2030 Agenda, and to which food realities such as De Cecco, Alce Nero, Lavazza, Loaker, Caffè Borbone and illycaffè, to name a few, as well as large corporations such as Nestlè, Sky, Poste Italiane and others, belong. And to which now, from the world of wine, joins Il Borro, the prestigious organic winery and farming estate owned by Ferruccio Ferragamo since 1993, a pearl of the Valdarno di Sopra DOC with an authentic medieval village within it that also does high-level hospitality, and which thus joins a program, the United Nations “Global Compact”, launched in 2000, and representing the largest strategic corporate citizenship initiative in the world, with more than 15,000 companies and 3,000 signatories in more than 160 countries and more than 70 local networks.
“I am proud to announce that Il Borro has joined the United Nations Global Compact. This important commitment, in line with the ten traits of the UN declarations and conventions, represents an opportunity for us to contribute in an even more concrete way to a new phase of globalization characterized by sustainability, international cooperation and partnership in a multi-stakeholder perspective”, says Vittoria Ferragamo, sustainability manager of Tenuta Il Borro. Sustainability is a pivotal concept that has always inspired the philosophy of the estate, which, this year, published its Third Sustainability Report, embracing all its souls: from the wine business to the organic vegetable garden and livestock farming, from the production of extra virgin olive oil to dairy and honey, from flours to organic eggs, to the extensive use of renewable energy sources and the use of photovoltaic panels that power the area of La Corte and the Historical Residence, the restaurants, the winery and the offices, as well as the systems for the reuse of water resources.
Today, under the leadership of Ferruccio Ferragamo and his children Salvatore and Vittoria, there are three main guidelines guiding the company’s strategies and actions toward a more responsible future, making Il Borro a virtuous model, where tradition and innovation coexist in an organic farm and winery, dedicated to luxury hospitalitỳ and farm-to-table dining. Such as respect for the environment and safeguarding biodiversity: through the use of renewable energy sources, which have avoided the production of about 1. 134 tons of CO2 in 2022, and the construction of energy-efficient facilities (such as “zero-bill houses”); water reuse systems to preserve the water resource; circular economy measures for waste management; a 420-hectare forested area capable of absorbing about 13,860 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere each year; and the provision of ad hoc measures to protect biodiversity and the ecosystem. Another pillar is organic farming and viticulture: through ways of cultivating the land in accordance with organic farming principles, respecting the rhythms of nature and biodynamic principles; creating a closed farm cycle; choosing sustainable materials, including lighter glass for wine bottles, certified eco-friendly paper for labels, as well as decreasing wooden packaging in favor of certified, eco-friendly cardboard boxes.
Last but not least, that of attention to people and the local community: through initiatives for the professional development of staff, attention to equal opportunities, protection of health and safety in the workplace, corporate welfare program, charitable disbursements, development of initiatives in the areas of culture, environment and infrastructure, for example through the Wine & Art Gallery, which, every year, offers new exhibitions open not only to hotel guests but also to outsiders.
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