Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Sustainability, innovation, care of the territory: the Academia Berlucchi is born in Franciacorta

The Franciacorta brand launches the project that stands as a modern Agora, in which to confront for the future of environment and territory

A modern Agora, where oenological and agricultural personalities, but also those from different fields, will be able to confront each other to give life to proposals regarding sustainability, innovation and care of the territory of Franciacorta, but also of the whole of Italy: these are the assumptions that underlie the Academia Berlucchi, a project of the Ziliani family, at the head of the prestigious brand of Lombard sparkling wines, which wants to make Franciacorta and Berlucchi a reference point not only for wine production, but also for the discussion of “hot” issues that revolve around this world. The first edition of the Academia, will be inaugurated on October 5 at Palazzo Lana, with a discussion on “Sustainable Territories”, seen as a union of art, agricultural practices, food, architecture, design and environment. And for this first “call to action” the protagonists invited to participate are, next to Arturo Ziliani, CEO and technical director of Berlucchi, Mario Tozzi, scientific divulger and presenter of “Sapiens” on Rai3, Vittorio Sgarbi, critic, curator and art historian, Antonia Klugmann, chef of the starred restaurant L'Argine in Vencò that offers a frontier cuisine, aware and respectful of the surrounding area, Tony Chambers, creative director and design consultant, former editor of the iconic Wallpaper Magazine, Caroline Corbetta, curator and journalist of contemporary art, founder of @ilcrepaccio and Paolo Corvo, director of the Laboratory of Sociology of the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo. The communications will be held by Giovanni Anversa, deputy director of Rai3, who has always been sensitive to social and environmental issues, Francesco Morace, founder of Future Concept Lab and scientific director of Academia Berlucchi and Luca Zanini, journalist of Corriere della Sera specializing in Environmental Culture and passionate expert on foraging.

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