Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The Amarone and Lugana brand, Zenato, and Vi.V.O. Cellars, in the “Elite Lounge” of Intesa San Paolo

8 out of 25 agri-food companies included in the financial acceleration program wanted by the first Italian banking group
Nadia Zenato, at the helm of Zenato, among the barrels of the cellar

Despite the crises, and especially during the crises, the agri-food sector and wine have always shown particularly great strength and resistance. And also, for this reason, the world of banks and finance looks with specific attention at the best companies in this sector, sometimes investing directly, or by launching services and products ad hoc, others by supporting companies in the growth of knowledge of the financial instruments that are available today on the market. It is therefore not surprising that 8 out of 25 companies in the sector are the protagonists of the first “Elite Lounge” of Intesa Sanpaolo in 2022, an initiative that started today, and that is the result of the partnership between the first Italian banking group and Elite, the private market of integrated services and multi-stakeholder networks part of the Euronext Group, to accompany SMEs in the training programs, dimensional growth and opening up to the capital market (250 companies involved overall, in 4 years of activity).
Among these, in the wine sector, there is Zenato, one of the oldest and most important wineries in Veneto region, property of Zenato family, which represents one of the top brands (and a piece of history) both in Valpolicella and Amarone and in Lugana, and Vi.V.O Cantine (Viticoltori del Veneto Orientale), a cooperative that brings together 6,300 hectares of vineyards for over 2,000 producer members.
The training program, explains a note, provides in-depth modules linked to the development and growth paths of the company through internationalization, strategic innovation, corporate culture, good governance, and finding the right financial resources, online also with the areas of intervention of “Motore Italia”, Intesa Sanpaolo’s strategic program for the relaunch of small and medium-sized companies, and with the over 410 billion euros that the group makes available between now and 2026, of which 120 will be destined right to the SMEs.
An initiative that, explains Intesa Sanpaolo, is “a sign of will and trust to undertake solid training courses to face the new economic scenario also in light of the resources made available with the PNRR and a possibility to have an expert and technical guidance from the most solid and important partners in Italy”.

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