Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The Ca’ Apollonio project: in Veneto, the largest winery in Europe growing only resistant vines

Created by Maria Pia Viaro Vallotto (partner of Vimar, leader in home automation) and the architect Massimo Vallotto, under the direction of winemaker

Wine is rooted in tradition, but it also looks towards the future. This is the direction the Cà Apollonio project in Romano d'Ezzelino (Vicenza) is taking as its goal is to become the largest winery in Europe to cultivate only resistant vines. By 2019, there will 6 hectares of vineyards, the so-called “Piwi”, hybrids resistant to diseases and fungi, and the first rows to be planted are Souvignier Gris. The project was created by Maria Pia Viaro Vallotto, one of the members of Vimar, a leading company in the home automation sector, and the architect Massimo Vallotto. The winemaker Nicola Biasi will direct and manage the winegrowing, and the new winery.

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