The Edmund Mach Foundation and the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences in Bordeaux, two excellent institutions of scientific research in the viticultural and oenological fields, have signed a framework agreement having the aim of creating collaborations to face the challenges of these sectors at the European level. Their common objectives include reducing chemistry and phytosanitary inputs pursued through monitoring the major plant diseases, studying how to adapt the vine to climate change and various diseases as well as the use of genome editing techniques. In addition, the rational use of natural resources, and then moving on to the topic of typicality and the quality of wine through the studying certain chemical and sensorial elements that contribute to making a wine unique and of high quality.
“The agreement spans all of the production processes of the viticulture and enology sectors, paying great attention to environmental and social implications”, Alain Blanchard, director of the French Institute, pointed out.
The wine sector both in Italy and in France brings with it related activities, which are often the driving force in economies and companies of the most important production regions of the two countries. “We have the honor of hosting an International excellence in research, higher education and development that meets the challenges of the wine industry of tomorrow”, Mirco Maria Franco Cattani, president of the Edmund Mach Foundation, commented. “The complications of the wine world unite us, and consequently lead us to act more efficiently. At Edmund Mach Foundation, high standards have been set in the wine sector research, enhanced also with numerous contacts in the wine profession, the local players and their requests, as well as education, training and technology transfer. This visit will be the starting point of a fruitful collaboration, sealed by signing the framework cooperation agreement of our two prestigious institutions to strengthen the ties between excellent wine regions”, Cattani concluded. Research activity in the viticultural-oenological field is rooted in the DNA of the Edmund Mach Foundation, and the numerous contacts with the world of professionals, the activities of technology transfer and education and training, enhance it. Furthermore, specifically in the context of education, it should be emphasized that, until 2019, the top graduates in the Course for winemakers carried out various internships in Bordeaux. Due to the Covid-19 emergency, these educational experiences have been suspended, but we hope to be able to resume these activities soon.
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