Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)


The Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini and the Minister of Agriculture, Maurizio Martina, promoted the Year of Italian Food for 2018 that together they presented in Rome. The events are taking shape and there is already a full program of activities: the complete map of Italy’s excellent Regional agricultural and agrifood products, an across the board communication campaign, including social medias, from the portal of traditional local festivals to the "Notte Bianca del Cibo Italiano”, on August 4th.
“Food is one of the biggest attractions for international tourism”, Minister Franceschini told WineNews, “side by side with art and culture; so investing in food is a way of promoting Italy in the world, enhancing its local identities, because each village has its typical dishes, unique agrifood products and wines to be made known around the world. Do I agree on creating a Ministry of Food? We are already working on it”, added Franceschini, “and the next legislature will have the opportunity to invest even more in this endeavor to enhance the Italian agrifood industry. As far as I am concerned, I know that investing in food and wine is not just part of my job related to tourism, but it is also related to culture. Agrifood products and typical dishes are a part of the culture of each town, of which local communities are totally proud, because each of those dishes is absolutely original and the result of centuries of handed down knowledge and traditions. We will also launch the possibility to vote for one’s favorite dish on social networks at #ilmiopiattopreferito. I will begin by voting for Salama da sugo. This Legislature has been going in this direction, starting with the law on small villages to the one on wine tourism and the Year of Italian Food confirms this trend”.
One of the most interesting events will be the “La Notte Bianca del Cibo Italiano” (white night of Italian food) which, as the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina told WineNews, “is an idea Minister Franceschini and I developed that will be held on the night of August 4th, in memory of Pellegrino Artusi, a great Italian who is a fundamental part of our identity and our culinary culture. We envisage a great night, all over the country, narrating the strength of our territories from the food and wine point of view: special dishes, menus and experiences of the food culture that is Italy. The night-time hours, but not only, will be dedicated to getting to know the inestimable heritage of Italian food, as well as enhancing”, continued Martina, “the extraordinary Italian know-how related to wine and food. We are a population of farmers and transformers, and there is no country in the world that has such diversity and wealth like Italy at the table”.

In addition to acknowledging the excellent agricultural and agrifood products and recipes of Italian territories that the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities have promoted for the Year of Italian Food, there will be a major international communication campaign related to the Italian brand. And also, promoting quality Italian cuisine during the Week of Italian Cuisine in the World, an agreement with the Deposits and Loans Fund to develop hospitality services for tourists taking part in slow tourism itineraries, the calendar of activities for the Year of Italian Food and a platform of information detailing the events and topics that will be held during the year. There will be a promotional commercial spot on the media, directed by the Italian director, Maurizio Nichetti. In addition, an animated clip of the “Cibo/Food” logo will be presented on social networks, tracing the numerous food specialties that make up the heritage of Italian food and wine. Then, on August 4th, Minister Martina announced the “Notte Bianca del Cibo Italiano”, dedicated to Pellegrino Artusi, who contributed to making Italian cuisine great around the world, “during which we will narrate the strengths of Italian food and wine”.

As WineNews had already mentioned, in part, a Technical Committee of 12 experts is coordinating the events, including: Carlo Petrini, founder of Slow Food; Oscar Farinetti, entrepreneur, founder of Eataly; the chef Cristina Bowerman, president of the Ambassadors of Taste; the chef Massimo Bottura; Giorgio Calabrese, nutritionist and teacher of Nutrition and Human Nutrition at the University of Piemonte Orientale; Marco Gualtieri, president of Seeds & Chips; Claudia Sorlini, vice-president of the Italian Touring Club; Enzo Coccia, pizza maker; Elisabetta Motro, professor of Cultural Anthropology and Mediterranean Food Traditions at the Suor Orsola Benincasa University in Naples; Mauro Rosati, Director General of the Qualivita Foundation; Massimo Montanari, professor of History of Food and president of Casa Artusi; Riccardo Cotarella, president of the International Union of Oenologists; Raffaele Borriello, General Manager of ISMEA.

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