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The famous philosopher, Edgar Morin celebrated 100 years at the Elysée, with Nonino

In 2004, he won the Nonino Prize awarded by the Nonino family and the historic Friuli distillery

The Nonino Prize, one of the most prestigious awards in the cultural panorama, launched by the historic Ronchi di Percoto distillery, in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in its history has repeatedly awarded personalities who then received the most coveted award in the world, the Nobel Prize. Now, the Nonino Prize adds another plus and with good reason, because it is also a prize for a long life, as it has been awarded to non other than Edgar Morin, one of the greatest philosophers of our time. The company led by Giannola Nonino, together with her daughters Cristina, Antonella, Elisabetta and her granddaughter Francesca, awarded him “Master of our time” in 2004. Emmanuel Macron and the premier, Dame Brigitte Trogneux also participated in his 100th birthday celebration at the Elysée Palace, in Paris, and toasted the French philosopher together with the Nonino family.
The event was inspired by friendship and affection, as well as being a showcase for one of the top brands of Made in Italy beverages, which toasted Morin, and many authorities from the France's present and past, such as Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education; Roselyne Bachelot, Minister of Culture; Françoise Nyssen, former Minister of Culture and publisher of Actes Sud; Bernard Cazeneuve, former French Prime Minister; Jack Lang. former Minister of Culture; Alain Tourain, French sociologist and also awarded the 2016 Nonino Prize “a Master of our time”; François L'Yvonnet, philosophy professor, writer and editor, Thierry Marx, world-famous, two Michelin stars chef; Laure Adler journalist, writer, editor and radio/television producer; Jean Nouvel, French architect and designer, in addition to Sabah Abouessalam Morin's wife, sociologist.
The homage to the philosopher of the President of the French Republic Macron, the Noninos said, emphasized that Morin's thought is “exciting and alive”, acknowledging him as the “man of the century”, whose curiosity is infinite, a “Jew, Communist, and Gaullist who during the Resistance took the war name Edgar Morin (his real name was Edgar Nahoum) and his “philosophy of action”. “The originality of his thought, seeking sociology in the present to find the unity of humanity, he taught us not to separate thought from life and he brought the humanist message of France to the world - the French Republic thanks you”, Macron said. Among the many tributes, standing ovations and memories, Morin, speaking in his “fritagnol” language (a mélange of French, Italian and Spanish), promised Giannola and Antonella Nonino to be at the Nonino Prize in Friuli in 2022, and from there continue on to Venice, Florence, Rome, to fulfill his dream: “a pilgrimage to Italy”.

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