Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The favorite bubbles of wine lovers USA? Excluding Champagne, local sparkling wines

Surprisingly, the Crémant, with Prosecco satisfied with the third place, despite the 73 million bottles of export
The favorite bubbles of wine lovers USA? Excluding Champagne, local sparkling wines

“America first,” in the U.S., when it comes to sparkling wines, excluding Champagne. This is the curious result of the “Wine Spectator” survey that, during the holidays, asked its readers what are their favorite bubbles, except for the most prestigious in France. First of all, there are the American sparkling wines, chosen by 33% of those interviewed, while the second, a bit surprising, is the Crémant (22%), with Prosecco, despite the 73 million bottles imported in 2018, only in third place (17%), just ahead of the Cava (13%). And then, at a distance, Trentodoc, Lambrusco, Moscato and German Sekt.

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