The Classic Method bubbles and their top territories, Alta Langa, Franciacorta and Trento DOC represent one of Made in Italy’s wine excellences. Wine lovers love them, they are the absolute top stars of refined aperitifs, and have now been accepted to drink throughout the entire meal. They are continually projected towards top positioning, indispensable, considering the limited production: 37 million bottles in the three main denominations. Exports are just over 10%, but the growth factor is steady (28.4 million bottles were produced in 2018). Franciacorta is the top player, at over 20 million bottles produced, while Ferrari is the only company that boasts a turnover of over 100 million euros. These are the data resulting from Studio Pambianco’s study.
The Classic Method’s numbers continue to be infinitesimal when compared to the category killer, Champagne. Considering that 326 million bottles were produced in France in 2022, in addition to those of non-competing Prosecco (635 million) and Asti DOCG (103 million), the production of the Italian Classic Method is almost marginal. However, now that Richard Geoffry from Bellavista and Cyril Brun from Ferrari are on the scene, there is the perception is that a new step has been taken in terms of attracting, respectively, the creator of the last thirty years of Dom Perignon, and the author of the relaunch of Charles Heidsieck. This means that the distance from the French Masters has been somewhat reduced. Here, therefore, more and more companies have decided to face the challenge of the Classic Method. In Piedmont, for instance, the producers of the Consorzio Tutela Barolo Barbaresco Alba Langhe e Dogliani would like to create a Classic Method denomination based on Nebbiolo. A little further up, instead, in Alta Langa, the surface area allocated to DOCG will increase 220 hectares, reaching a total of 598 hectares by 2025.
The comparison with Champagne inevitably concerns prices as well as the market, bearing in mind that the export share of the Classic Method is just over 10%. That having been said, and observing the last five year trend, the growth factor continues to be steady, since the 28.4 million bottles in 2018 have now jumped to the aforementioned 37 million bottles. It is a path guided by the three most important denominations, where Franciacorta is the top player, at more than 20 million bottles, stable compared to 2020, but +15.4% compared to 2018. Trento DOC follows, at 13 million bottles, that is +8% over the previous 12 months and +35% compared to five years ago. Last is Alta Langa, which in addition to being the youngest denomination (DOC is from 2002 and DOCG from 2011), is also the smallest. In 2022, production was not more than 3 million bottles, the same amount as the year before, but +131% compared to 2018.
In terms of turnover, only Ferrari (Trento DOC) boasts more than 100 million euros, but Cà del Bosco (at 49.4 million euros) and Bellavista (37.6 million euros), both in Franciacorta, are competitors. Enrico Serafino and Contract, Alta Langa brands, still represent niche companies.
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