Luigi Veronelli was a publisher, journalist and wine critic who unquestionably influenced the world and the culture of drinking and eating well. His passion was directed towards spreading knowledge in the field of food and wine, especially Italian, and he was the one who made this sector grow immensely to reach the place it holds today in society and in the economy as well. It is precisely to continue his mission that the Luigi Veronelli Alta Scuola di Gastronomia (school of culinary Art) was founded, and its mission is to become a reference point on the Italian scenario. Restaurateurs will be called to spread knowledge, and provide their guests the “access keys” to territories and agricultural productions.
Italian winemakers and artisans, however, do not always stay in touch with the markets and different audiences, which are often not capable of grasping the uniqueness of prestigious Italian products, understanding them as material culture and recognizing them as aspects of the landscape. The Luigi Veronelli Permanent Seminary and the Giorgio Cini Foundation, which together created the Luigi Veronelli Alta Scuola di Gastronomia, have pointed out that even though it may seem a paradox in a country that recognizes wine and food as the "hallmark" of its identity card, culinary training courses are noticeably lacking for the future experts enrolled in degree courses in agriculture, winemaking and food science as well as courses dedicated to future professionals in the tourism and hotel sector.
The project, therefore, fills the “void”, left by the Italian agricultural and wine system. Training initiatives, seminars headed by experts, master classes and various related projects will all be based in Venice, a city steeped in history, tradition, culture and creativity, which is what the Alta Scuola di Gastronomia (conceived and coordinated by Andrea Bonini, director of Veronelli Seminar, presented today in Milan at Palazzo della Triennale) is founded upon. The school will be on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, in Venice, an international point of reference for art and culture, teaching the ideas of Luigi Veronelli and with the support of Banca Generali Private, it will be a Higher Education Center for professionals and future professionals of Italian food and wine. The school activities will begin in July 2018 with the Gastronomic Culture Week and in 2019 the first training course, “Walking the vines”. Who is the training course targeted to? Professionals (owners of Italian agro-food companies, marketing staff, restaurant owners and staff, wine stores and wine bars, hotel and accommodation facilities, journalists, bloggers, PR and tourist guides) and future experts (university students enrolled in relevant degree courses that, unfortunately, dedicate very little time and attention to the culinary art as a culture).
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