Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The Tuscan Region approved the first Italian Organic “DOC” to Valdarno di Sopra

Now the Ministry of Agricultural Policies needs to give its approval. Luca Sanjust said, “We need to have courage, this is our “BioRevolution”
Luca Sanjust, head of the Consortium of DOC Valdarno di Sopra

There is only one more step to go and the very first Italian organic wine denomination to be in the production specifications will become a reality. The Tuscan Region has given the green light to DOC Valdarno di Sopra, and has approved the modifications to the specification presented by the Consortium of the small denomination led by Luca Sanjust (which included extending the DOC to Valdarno Fiorentino) and what stands out is the possibility of using the name “exclusively for organic wines”. “We are very pleased that this first phase has ended on a positive note”, commented Luca Sanjust, “as we are recovering history and tradition. Furthermore, by the courage of our convictions we are pioneers of innovation; that is, defending nature, biodiversity, the environment, the health of workers, citizens and consumers. This is the meaning of our request, which is our “BioRevolution”. We are now asking Minister Bellanova and the Ministry to show the same courage and determination. At a time when mobilization for the environment is extremely important, it is equally important and obligatory to implement concrete actions, and where possible begin to carry them out, because this is what an entire denomination and an entire territory has unanimously requested.

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