Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The “Under Water Wines”, from the depths of the sea a trend that conquers the luxury market

After the first Champagne aged in the sea bottom in front of Portofino, the start-up “Jamin” convinces small investors and raises 500,000 euros

Stand out. This is the mantra imposed on any market by an increasingly demanding consumer, from any point of view. This also explains the growth of niches such as organic, biodynamic and natural wines, but also the turning point of many wineries towards rosés and sparkling wines, often made from native vines, which if they represent production niches for the wineries, on the market they swell the numbers of increasingly relevant types. In this scenario, just sketched, there is a place for “Under Water Wines”, wines aged underwater. Not a novelty, but still a little dot in the wine universe, made of 36 companies all over the world, and a production that does not exceed 200,000 bottles.
There are examples in Italy as well, but only one was born to make underwater aging its core business: “Jamin”, a start-up born in Portofino which, since the beginning, approached the subject, of an exquisitely enological nature, in a scientific and analytical way, together with the University of Florence. The first result, in 2018, was the Champagne “-52”, as the meters under the sea to which the 3,000 bottles of Drappier were brought. Few, because exclusivity is one of the distinctive features of the “Under Water Wines”, designed for a very specific target of restaurants and high-level clubs, but also the first of a type which, little by little, more and more producers are approaching and appearing.
Who, apart from some isolated cases, certainly cannot think of building an underwater cellar from one day to the other. And it is here that, for “Jamin”, the real horizons of growth are opening up, in the underwater aging on behalf of third parties, to which are then linked consulting, distribution and experience services (tastings, but also visits “in the cellar” on the seabed in front of Portofino). To do so, however, important investments are required, which through crowdfunding on the “Mammacrowd” platform have already brought in almost half a million euros, from 221 small investors. A success that, in the intentions of the founders of the start-up (Emanuele Kottakhs, Cristina Iacoucci and Massimiliano Gorrino) will push revenues above 5 million euros already in 2025, making “Jamin” the leading company in the field of “UnderWaterWines”, in Italy and worldwide.

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