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The wine world mourns Count Paolo Marzotto

The founder of Baglio di Pianetto, one of the first producers in Northern Italy to invest in Sicily, has passed away at the age of 89
Count Paolo Marzotto, founder of Baglio di Pianetto

The world of wine is mourning Count Paolo Marzotto, who passed away yesterday at the age of 89. The Count founded Baglio di Pianetto, a winery that has its headquarters and vineyards in the territory of Santa Cristina Gela, just a few kilometers from Palermo. In 1997, following a long life as a fashion entrepreneur, he united two of his greatest passions - one of them for wine and the other for Sicily, and very soon become one of the top players of the Island’s wine Renaissance. “He was one of the first entrepreneurs in Northern Italy to invest in Sicily”, recalled the director of WineNews, Alessandro Regoli, “and I link many of the great moments in my professional life to him. I remember with deep pleasure some of the Vinitaly dinners in his villa, but also, and above all, I remember his great and sincere passion for the wine world, which he knew like few others. Another memory that I hold dear of Count Paolo Marzotto is that of a small trip to the Etna area, many years ago, together with wine producer Diego Planeta and Professor Attilio Scienza. He always nurtured many passions, for wine, but also for velocity, good food and beauty in general”, added Alessandro Regoli, thanks to his immense culture and kindness”.

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