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“There is a new dream in the wine world”. The Veronelli Seminary has restarted after the pandemic

The historic association founded by Luigi Veronelli is aimed at people that deeply believe the link between wine and culture can generate added value
Luigi Veronelli

The “Luigi Veronelli Permanent Seminar” has launched the new “2022 Membership Campaign”, stating, “There is a new dream in the wine world”, for all those who believe in a dream and consider the link between wine and culture an added value and an element of sharing in this complicated period of time. And, we would like to add, we must move and not be moved, as one of the greatest masters of Italian food and wine journalism taught us. The last two very challenging years forced us to stop almost all of the tasting and event training activities due to the Pandemic. It is an invitation to join, on the basis of the memory of what Veronelli represented and did for the Italian wine and agro-food worlds, as well as for the work that the historic not for profit association Veronelli founded in 1986 is carrying out today educating about the wine world.
The Veronelli Seminary is looking to the future and relaunching, starting again with its feet on the ground, but believing in the dream. “I dream what I dreamed of. I will dream it as long as I live it”, wrote Veronelli. And, the purpose of Veronelli Seminar is aimed precisely to everyone who believes that the link between wine and culture can generate added value, sharing, positive energy and also bring a breath of fresh air to the wine world. Veronelli played a crucial role in the world of Italian food criticism. He was the first wine and food critic in our Country. He founded an industry. His greatest merit is having brought to light, futuristically, the profound link between production and territory, and a view to respecting the environment, distinctive characteristics, work, and social relations. He theorized the enhancing excellence as a form of the maximum expression of a territory. The Veronelli Seminary is started from there and today is working to cultivate new forms of open and evolving communities.
“We are trying to be good sowers of knowledge, making it available to winemakers, restaurateurs, and enthusiasts who share Veronelli’s approach and possible evolutions. training, in-depth tools and open spaces for critical discussions and participation are necessary to understand the story of wines and foods, and to support good agriculture”, Angela Maculan, president of the Seminar, emphasized. Supporting and renewing the Veronellian thought signifies giving the future an original perspective of thinking and living the food culture. The 2022 Membership Campaign, which is taking place in a very complicated and challenging period of time for Europe and the world, has become an invitation to share, and to gather good energy. Its target is everyone who feel that food and wine can become important cultural elements in the complex puzzle that is building the sensitive world of tomorrow. Further, 11 faces in the wine world that focus on cultural, environmental and relational values ​​- and a double “one” to testify that every day is a new beginning respecting the culture of the earth - will be the testimonials of the Campaign. They are women and men, winemakers and owners of wineries. It is a significant representation of the composite and lively social Veronelli Seminary base, united by the Veronellian values, from North to South of the Country. The eleven testimonials are: Elena and Luca Currado (Vietti), Roberta Bianchi (Villa Franciacorta), Claudio Gini (Gini), Ornella Venica (Venica & Venica), Elisabetta Geppetti (Fattoria Le Pupille), Lorenzo De Monaco (Agrisegretum), Andrea Ferraioli (Marisa Cuomo), Agostino Nappi (Petra Marzia), Fabio Sireci (Feudo Montoni), Angela Maculan (Maculan) and Alessio Fornasetti (Torre San Quirico).

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