It is quite an achievement for a company to see its turnover grow 50% and its employment levels over 100%, in less than 10 years. And, it seems this is exactly what has happened to the widespread Italian wine companies, or at least to the wine and grape producing companies. According to the qualivita wine observatory, Osservatorio Qualivita Wine and the registry of companies, Infocamere, these companies registered turnovers totaling 11.2 billion euros in 2018, an increase of 7% compared to 2017 and +52% compared to 2009. Employee levels have increased as well, 123%, for a total of 34.000 people employed. These are the data relative to more than 3 thousand firms (33% in 10 years) that deposited their financial reports with the Registry of Companies of the Chamber of Commerce, “and they represent the most organized example in the industry, according to the analysis based on the financial statements of companies in the industry that have shown growth in turnover, investments and employment in the production sector”. Additionally, the added value has also reached 2 billion euros (+59%). As far as territories are concerned, one third of the wine and grape productions is concentrated in the Italian Regions of Tuscany, Apulia and Veneto, while the province of Siena, counting 180 companies, is the one which has the highest number of joint stock companies in this particular ranking.
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