Under the beach umbrella, on the beach. Or among the vineyards, or better still in one of the most iconic vineyards of Franciacorta, the Vigneto Pusterla of Monte Rossa, historical winery of the territory guided by Emanuele Rabotti, where it is possible to visit since yesterday “La Plage”, the great installation by Pascale Marthine Tayou, internationally renowned Cameroonian artist, which has created an expanse of hundreds of colored beach umbrellas planted among the rows of the largest urban vineyard of Europe. An outdoor work of great dimensions, visible from yesterday, June 21, summer solstice, from the Pusterla and the castle. The umbrellas will be closed, tied with large colored ribbons: a symbol of energy and childlike joy, waiting for a new season.<<
“The whole world - says Pascale Marthine Tayou - has been carrying around for more than a year a mysterious and sinister torture, an invisible drama that spares no one, of which Brescia has become a symbol. A flowering of umbrellas planted in the vineyard, like a dream in color, invites us to the table of happiness. Project and symbol of rebirth: the memory I hope to keep forever of Italy, almost a pixel of the giant photograph of my Italian joy of living”. Tayou associates this idea of post-pandemic rebirth with Italy’s recovery after the end of World War II. One of the strong and symbolic images of the post-war period are the great crowded beaches. Italy recovers a thriving economy and a well-being that it had lost and perhaps never had. Symbol of an Italy that today is trying to get out of the pandemic and to start again, and to which to toast with a good glass of Franciacorta.
“Art, like wine, is for me synonymous with joy and sharing. Occasions to get excited that I love to create, both with my wines and by welcoming original projects such as this one. Great satisfaction to collaborate with Pascale Marthine Tayou, one of the most famous African artists in the world with many international exhibitions and art biennials to his credit. With the precious collaboration of “Bellearti”, which introduced me to Tayou’s creativity, I realized the desire to bring art in the heart of our city - says Emanuele Rabotti - and I like to think of La Plage as the forerunner of our mission 2023, when Brescia together with Bergamo will be Italian capitals of culture”.
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