Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Vinitaly-World in Verona

A lot of buyers coming from markets with enormous potential, like Cina and Usa
Vinitaly-World in Verona

Italy has been confirmed a worldwide winemaking superpower in numbers (the new export record), which do not really do justice to a country that has no equals in terms of variety and quality of wines. Vinitaly tells the story, and everyone who goes, will find the complete wine world there. Internationalization is Vinitaly’s mission, like “ICE”, which companies refer to for investments and joint ventures; it is the promotion platform amidst the world’s top players. Vinitaly “looks” at the US, its number one market, renewing their partnership with “Wine Spectator” at the preview “Opera Wine” (April 14th), and that “speaks” more and more Chinese, with “Vinitaly Directory”, the portal in English, Italian and Chinese for 1.000 buyers coming from markets with enormous potential (ar), like China.

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