Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Wine CMO still uncertain

It is the same old story in Italy, once again uncertainty reigns over the CMO wine promotion measures

It is the same old story in Italy, once again uncertainty reigns over the CMO wine promotion measures. WineNews rumors have it “that the Ministry of Agriculture, whether a new Minister is appointed or not, wants to present the decree at Vinitaly” (April 15th -18th). Nothing would be any different than last year, but it would respond, at least in terms of timing (deadline for “applications is at the end of May, and the beginning of the first projects in October), to the needs of the companies. There is s possibility that the new government will decide to start working on the decree again, and this would move the deadlines much farther ahead. Another critical element, however, is the National Support Plan, which sets the deadline for presenting applications for projects based on national funds, November 3rd.

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