On the one hand wine lists are constantly changing to include fewer but more dynamic wines, while on the other there is a continuous demand for "wine by the glass", which many maintain has given consumers the chance to indulge in tastings without spending over the top figures, and at the same time has allowed restaurateurs to serve bottles that otherwise would stay in the cellar. These are the two aspects of wine in restaurants around the world on which experts and fans continue to debate. For instance, the American magazine "Wine Spectator", recently asked its readers what was the ideal number of wines they would like to find on wines lists at restaurants.
48% of the more than 450 respondents say the ideal number is between 90 and 349, because “they want a choice of quality producers and wines that match the menu for place of origin, price and style”, while 35% want a list with fewer than 90 references, because they “do not want consulting the wine list to interfere with conversation at the table”. Only 11% would like a list with more than 350 wines, to have an ample choice “but without having to spend too much time consulting a "weighty tome", and 6% would like to be able to choose from over 1.000 wines, to have the widest variety possible available and be able to search for rarities.
In other words, besides a small niche of fans, wine lovers seem to prefer “lighter” lists, but by no means ordinary ones. There are those who have launched into even more radical choices, like the HKK London restaurant, which boasts one of the best wine lists in the city (https://goo.gl/cTjJpB), according to the specialized portal www. winelistconfidential.com, that awarded it 92 points out of 100.
The restaurant will be making its wine list available also by the glass to customers to be part of the trend the UK magazine "The Drinks Business" defines the "Wine by the glass Revolution" happening in the "City". Rebecca Coates, wine manager of the restaurant said , “We are very interested in this emerging trend, as more and more people choose to drink different wines during the same dinner., after having shared the same bottle at the table, often each diner wants to try something else different. Expanding our by the glass offers will allow us to encourage our guests to be bolder in choosing a wine that otherwise they would never have tried”.
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