It is written and especially read about Italian wine in every corner of the world. Using very different approaches, styles, and registers. It is not a surprise, in the first place of the “35 Best Italian Wine Blogs and Websites”, the ranking on blogs and websites focused on Italian wine, edited by FeedSpot, the largest online database on blogs and podcasts, which has examined thousands of blogs and websites for traffic, followers on social channels, authority and originality, there is the Italian section of Wine Spectator, the most authoritative of the US magazines dedicated to wine. And it is not a surprise either the presence, in second place, of WineNews, considered by FeedSpot as the “reference point for information on the world of wine, with interviews, videos, reviews, insights, and latest news” (here is the complete ranking). Instead, expanding the field to the “100 Best Wine Blogs”, which analyzes all kinds of blogs, from all over the world and focused on any topic, WineNews is one of the only two sites in the ranking, at position no. 24, preceded by colleagues from Intravino, in position no. 14. On the podium, which speaks entirely American, we find Wine Spectator again, followed by Vine Pair and James Suckling.
Focus - Top 10 Best Italian Wine Blogs and Websites
1. Wine Spectator – Italy
2. WineNews
3. Wine Blog Roll
4. On the Wine Trail in Italy
5. Vino Travels Italy
6. XtraWine Blog
7. Aristide
8. Wineshop.it Blog
9. I numeri del vino
10. The Italian Abroad Wine Blog
Focus - The numbers of WineNews
WineNews is a daily online communication agency on the world of wine and food, guided by the journalist Alessandro Regoli, and founded with his wife Irene Chiari, in 1999, from previous experiences, starting in 1985, in wine & food. In 2021 WineNews “connected” the protagonists of Italian wine and food with 3 million users (IP served) in Italy and in the world. The digital “ecosystem” of www.winenews.it, online since 2000, consists of a web TV, the daily newsletter “La Prima di WineNews” and the weekly newsletter in English “Italian Weekly WineNews”, tasting notes and wine criticism “I Quaderni di WineNews” and “I Vini di Winenews”, and from a social “universe” (YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) with a total of 150,000 followers.
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