A slight rebound has been registered in sales on foreign markets, and consumption remains stable for the internal market though Italians now prefer to enjoy their wine at home rather than in restaurants (more because of fear of stricter drinking and driving laws that have recently gone into effect than for the economic situation). This is the result of a survey by www.winenews.it that was conducted on 25 important Italian wine producers (of different dimensions, territories, and targets).
The survey made note that Italy is still, obviously, far off from pre-crisis numbers but something seems to be changing when compared to the almost total immobility registered between the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009. For many of the producers who took part in the survey, they see timid yet effective signs of a return on important markets like that of the U.S. In January 2009, the U.S. did not even want to try the latest vintage from Italy, but by August 2009, they started to try the new wines and in October began buying them again. The demand however has changed, moving towards less expensive wines under the 10 dollar limit. There is also the question of the weak dollar that, if the situation does not change, could continue to weaken the dynamism of the American market. Producers are fairly convinced that exports to the U.S. will never return to the levels of just a few years ago but there is faith, however, in newer markets like Japan, China, and Russia where the more important names in Italian wine seem to have a lot of success. The situation in Europe on the other hand, is mixed and smaller producers tend to be the market of reference (Germany and Great Britain absorb one third of Italy’s European exports). Sales however remain fairly slow and producers see a rebound only in Germany, while Great Britain remains negative.
As for the internal market, some producers have even registered an increase in wine sales between the 5 and 7 euro range through large-scale distributors, and it has become evident that consumption has moved within domestic walls and away from restaurants. Well known brand names have begun to reconfirm themselves while small producers are losing popularity among consumers. Producers list the financial situation among their top worries due to delayed payments for consigned products, followed by worries about the economy in general and an intolerant climate that has been created with the recent zero tolerance alcohol campaign initiated by the government.
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