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Women of Wine Ganbei Project: wine against Covid-19 on the Italy-China axis

The goal is to network involving wine, catering and distribution, to purchase medical supplies to support people on the front lines
Women of Wine Ganbei Project: wine against Covid-19 on the Italy-China axis

There are a multitude of initiatives supporting the people who are fighting on the front lines against Coronavirus and more are continuing to surface from the world of wine and food & wine. One in particular is all female, and it is operating on the Italy-China axis, the two countries, which have to date been hit first and hardest by the pandemic. Women of Wine have created the project, because solidarity knows no boundaries, whether from Whuan to Bergamo, Shanghai to Milan, Ancona to Shenzhen. It is the Ganbei Project, and its aim is to raise funds to purchase medical supplies in China under the supervision of a medical team, specifically raising awareness in the wine sector - importers, caterers, managers in the Asia Pacific area, brokers, the press and Chinese consumers. And, collecting donations to support the work of the Civil Protection, Red Cross and Italian health institutions. The Italian Embassy in China will handle payments of the shipments.
Ganbei is the Chinese word for toasts, and means, "Cheers!” "Raise your glass”. Erika Ribaldi, Woman of Wine, an excellent export manager on Asian markets, is the woman who promoted the project. She explained in her written appeal, “just a few days ago, together with a group of unwavering colleagues, we created the Ganbei Project. We realized the best way to create fertile ground for long-lasting productive cooperation between two geographically distant countries, yet so close in the recent past, could only start from the humanitarian aspect. The Chinese government has already sent teams of highly professional and efficient doctors and nurses that have direct experience to assist our health-heroes. Solidarity, however, cannot stop at help between governments and health professionals, it must extend to all people”.
The Women of Wine and President Donatella Cinelli Colombini received the appeal, saying, “the International Network of Women of Wine has begun working and its efforts are visible in this extremely difficult moment Italy is going through. We have taken up Erika's appeal and are giving the information here below, to help those who are now on the front line”.

For contributions from Italy, please make donations to:
OVERLAND FOR SMILES Onlus, Via Premuda, 46 - 20129 Milan
IBAN: IT90I03111654500000000, BIC: BLOPIT22, CF: 97449320155
REASON: Liberal pro-Covid-19 release

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