New age trading is online even for the wine sector, which is very different from traditional e-commerce ones, as it is on a continual search, with ups and downs, to find its own niche. If you would like to try your hand at it, you might want to follow these 9 tips laid out by the "The Wilson Drinks Report"(
First of all, you must know the market, be able to satisfy it, and marketing is the key. Then, you have to build effective interaction with customers. It will not be easy without being able to see customers face to face, but the web offers data and means to create lasting business relationships: from simple emails to social networks, making the offer interesting to the eyes of wine lovers. Further, focus on its diversity, on a single message, to make one’s voice heard in the noisy and busy world of the Internet, finding your niche and consumers, avoiding competing on prices and delivery times, like everyone usually does. You must know how to communicate your offer, not only putting an ad online, but also creating a compelling message, tailored to your clientele. You must also remember that the volume of the product is not as important as managing it well.
It is better not to store thousands of bottles, but reduce the supply. One key element is cost-effective delivery within a reasonable timeframe, via choosing the right shipping company obviously depending on the type of activity, which could be an international courier or pony express in cities. Online sellers, however, should not expect to compete with traditional wine bars.
The two worlds are complementary though meeting different requirements, because the objectives of online shoppers and store shoppers are quite different. E-commerce usually leads to a more rational purchase, while in the store the shopper is more susceptible to the appeal of the brand. Finally, one must always remember that diversity pays, because most purchases still take place on supermarket shelves, but wine lovers are increasingly knowledgeable and looking for something new, which is usually not found in big retail chains.
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