Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

The Consorzio Vino Toscana created to protect the Region’s second denomination, the Toscana Igt

President Cesare Cecchi and Director Stefano Campatelli are at the helm. First goal, protecting the Tuscan brand linked to wine

Tuscany is a prominent brand of Made in Italy, especially in the wine sector. It will now become even more so because the Consorzio Vino Toscana, an expansion of the Ente Tutela Vini di Toscana, will manage and protect the Tuscany Region. The Tuscan denomination is second in importance in the Region in terms of production, counting 12.400 hectares of vineyard, an average of 76 million bottles produced by 1.770 bottling producers, and a production value of 380 million euros. The new consortium will be headed by Cesare Cecchi, head of his historic family business in Castellina in Chianti, while the director will be Stefano Campatelli, former director of the Vernaccia di San Gimignano Wine Consortium (who will continue his ongoing obligation).

“There is an absolute need to manage and protect the wines of Tuscany, which is a geographical reference of immense importance”, said Cecchi, “in the panorama of national and international wine production. Taking this further, decisive step we intend to create an organization capable of accommodating all the wine companies, large and small, single and aggregate, working in the production chain of Toscana Igt wine. We hope that all producers working in the Tuscan wine sector will identify themselves in this Consortium to develop together all the activities aimed at obtaining top satisfaction for their work”.

“The first goal”, as Stefano Campatelli explained to WineNews, “is to protect this very important geographical reference, and to give life to a path of improvements that will obviously be different from those of the other denominations, because it interests the entire Region, and many different wines (from entry level products to wines of top value, such as Masseto, ed.). We will start by protecting the name of Tuscany, then relative projects will gradually develop”.

Thus a new path has begun for a geographical indication, such as Tuscany, which is a brand of enormous value on the international scene, and is very attractive, therefore “without a protection agency it would not be possible to protect the name Tuscany, because the producers alone would not be able to counteract the numerous attempts of usage, even fraudulent, that are registered in the world”, explained the newborn Consortium. And it also underlined how the production disciplinary has allowed the creation and development of top quality wines of worldwide renown, linked to a territory considered of great appeal.

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