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Bellanova: “we are working on extending distillation to PDO and PGI wines”

The Minister of Agriculture told WineNews: “I want the resources of the Made in Italy bonus to reach companies by the end of 2020”
The Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova

PDO and PGI wines will soon be able to be distilled, utilizing the still available funds for generic wines. The Made in Italy bonus funds are allocated for catering and will be released by the end of 2020. These are the indications regarding the next measures for the wine and Made in Italy agro-food sector, the Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova announced to WineNews. The Minister will represent Italy at the helm of the G20 of world agriculture, starting in December 2020. Reflecting on the extent of the distillation crisis for generic wines, which the wine sector has been fighting for the last few months, 50 million euros were allocated, but only 16 million euros have been used. And recently, in the last several days, the request to extend this measure to PDO and PGI wines, i.e., those that have suffered the most and are continuing to suffer the challenges of HO.RE.CA. in Italy, and all over the world, obviously, provided consequently raising the standard price. “My offices are already working in this direction, as we cannot afford to waste resources”, said Bellanova, “and I have asked to convoke the entire supply chain as soon as possible to decide together the measures to be taken”. The wine supply chain, it is well known, is widely represented by many category organizations, including those specific to the sector and the wine divisions of agricultural organizations. “I cannot intervene on the number of associations, of course”, said Bellanova, “but I can make requests and I am asking for a system for the representatives so that they can make joint agreements among themselves on certain issues. As far as the Wine Table is concerned, I have already written to Minister Di Maio, requesting a table that will include Agriculture, Foreign Affairs, ICE and wine companies. We need to set up a first-rate communication campaign to conquer the great areas around the world that host our excellent products, and I am counting on an appointment very soon. Furthermore, I expect that the 600 million euros of the “Made in Italy bonus” for restaurants to purchase PDO and PGI products will arrive to businesses by the end of 2020”.

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