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Public co-financing at 60%, the United Kingdom among third countries: the decree CMO Wine Promotion

Presentation of projects by November 23rd, start of activities on April 1st 2021. 100 million euros available to companies and consortia
Public co-financing at 60%, the United Kingdom among third countries: the decree CMO Wine

The world situation is complex, Covid is still slowing down markets and travel, and yet continuing to promote Italian wine around the world, in order to catch the restart and not lose positions, is fundamental. And, to support businesses, the call for tenders is published for access to 100 million euros for the measure Promotion 2020-2021 CMO Wine. As always, 30% managed at the national level by the Ministry of Agriculture, and 70% in the hands of the Regions, as specified in the Directorial Decree of September 30, 2020 n. 9193815. Among the novelties, the United Kingdom in the list of Third Countries as target, after Brexit (still in the definition phase), and the maximum public co-financing which, as already announced, goes from 50% to 60% of the total amount of the project. This was announced by the Ministry of Agriculture itself, led by Teresa Bellanova, who emphasized that “there is no adequate enhancement of our wine production and its excellence without an equally adequate promotion strategy on international markets. These are decisive funds that companies have demonstrated over the years that they know how to make the best use of to strengthen their positioning and expansive capacity towards new markets. And that, especially in post covid, they acquire an even greater role”.
The activities that can be carried out with the contribution in question are actions in the field of public relations, promotion and advertising, which highlight the high standards of products in terms of quality, food safety, environmental sustainability; participation in events, fairs and exhibitions of international importance; information campaigns, particularly on the systems of designations of origin, geographical indications and organic production in force in the European Union; studies to evaluate the results of information and promotion actions.

The start of promotion activities for the year 2020/2021 is scheduled for April 1, 2021. The deadline for the submission of national projects is set for November 23, 2020 while the deadline for the Ministry and the Regions and Autonomous Provinces for national, regional and multiregional projects is set for January 20, 2021.

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