Allegrini 2024

Agricultural journalists at school desks at the “Sergio Ferrari” Summer School, edition no. 1

From 18 to 22 September in Isera, Trentino, a cycle of lessons on the topics of agri-food production. President Professor Attilio Scienza
ATTILIO SCIENZA, giornalists, Summer School Sergio Ferrari, training, News
Professor Attilio Scienza is the president of the “Sergio Ferrari” Summer School

Topics like agriculture, food and wine, sustainability, and climate change, which are now all interconnected, have recently found a previously untapped space in the media. However, despite the fact that 92% of people claim to have enough faith in the advice of people they perceive to be more knowledgeable or experienced than themselves, numerous studies have shown that consumers have grown more critical of traditional communication. It is precisely journalists, therefore, who are called to act as intermediaries between the rural and the urban worlds: the “Sergio Ferrari” Summer School, edition no. 1, which, from 18 to 22 September 2023, in Isera (Trento), will allow 15 journalists, professionals and bloggers, who already deal with communication in the agricultural sector, to attend a series of lessons on important issues related to agri-food production.
Participants in the “Sergio Ferrari” Summer School (chosen upon submission of an application for admission and upon approval by the Scientific Committee, on the basis of specific requirements) will address topics that transversally concern all agricultural supply chains, with verticalization on the wine sector in the edition 2023 (it is assumed to organize, in the editions following the first in the years 2024 and 2025, varying the focus: fruit growing, animal husbandry, digitization ...). The course, which is presided by Professor Attilio Scienza - one of the leading Italian experts in viticulture - and is organized by Agriduemila Hub Innovation, with the Cooperation of Trentino and Casa del Vino della Vallagarina, will bring together generalist communication professionals and teachers from different backgrounds and scientific perspectives, to stimulate the circulation of information, not only of a technical nature but also cultural, to understand how the world of production and knowledge in the agricultural and agro-industrial fields is evolving and how all this can be told to a vast public in accessible but rigorous way. The course’s residential structure will encourage the development of solid and long-lasting relationships that will each contribute to their individual relational heritage. The journalist Nereo Pederzolli will serve as the director of the “Sergio Ferrari” Summer School, and the academic and non-academic instructors will come from the fields of production, biological sciences, socio-humanities, and culture and technology. Among others, there will be Massimo Bertamini, professor of Winemaking Techniques at the University of Trento, Andrea Berti, at Agriduemila Hub Innovation, Luigi Mariani, professor of Agronomy at the University of Milan, Riccardo Velasco, director of the Viticulture and Oenology Research Center ( Crea-Ve), Marco Stefanini (Edmund Mach Foundation), but also exponents of the world of wine, with producers from Elisabetta Foradori and Riccardo Ricci Curbastro to Luca Rigotti (President of Mezzacorona), from Yori Zambon (Vivai Cooperativi Rauscedo) to Andrea Lonardi (Angelini Wines & Estates), from Andrea Faustini (Cavit) to Maurizio Bogoni (Ruffino).

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