Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

“Amarone Opera Prima”, 40 wineries ready to uncork on the notes of Aida

The presentation of the 2017 vintage showcases the partnership of the city of Verona’s two world symbols, the Arena and Amarone
“Amarone Opera Prima”

There are 40 wineries ready to uncork to the notes of the triumphal march of the opera Aida, which are: Bertani, Ca’ Rugate, Gerardo Cesari, Corte Figaretto, Costa Arènte, Domíni Veneti, La Collina dei Ciliegi, Le Guaite di Noemi, Massimago, Monte Zovo - Cottini Family, Montresor, Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine, Rocca Sveva, Roccolo Grassi, Santa Sofia, Santi, Sartori di Verona, Secondo Marco, Terre di Leone, Valentina Cubi, Vigneti di Ettore and Zeni 1870. This is the snapshot of the extraordinary event organized by the Consorzio Vini Valpolicella, “Amarone Opera Prima”, to be held in Verona from June 17th-20th. (On June 18th, by invitation only, guests will attend Verdi’s Aida, in the Arena, the opera symbol of the Roman amphitheater under the stars, from its first edition in 1913). It is a special occasion that challenges the taboo of the summer calendar presenting the 2017 vintage, as well as staging the partnership between the two worldwide symbols of Verona, the Arena and Amarone.
One of the top moments will be “Amarone 4wd, off the beaten track: various types of Amarone combined with haute cuisine dishes from various countries around the world”. The initiative was created with “La Peca”, a 2-star Michelin restaurant in Lonigo (Vicenza), and the commentary of the food critic and wine expert, Davide Scapin. Then, the conference, “The boom generation: the past decades of Amarone from escalation to global success”, conducted by JC Viens, Italian Wine Ambassador and WSET Educator. On June 19th, “Amarone Opera Prima” will move to Palazzo della Gran Guardia (Piazza Bra) to taste Amarone della Valpolicella 2017, with wine lovers and experts (the USA, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea, Canada, Israel, Singapore, and the main European markets). Plus, space for talk shows on the state of health of the denomination, focusing on “Amarone and the myths of Venetian hospitality, history and legend”.

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