After raising 600. 000 euros, from 279 funding partners, “Jamin Portofino Underwater Wines”, a start-up founded in 2018 in Portofino, led by Ceo Emanuele Kottakhs, and specialized in the refinement of “underwater wines”, staged the largest wine and spirits immersion in the history of underwater cellaring, depositing at sea - thanks to the work of a group of oenologists, Thanks to the work of a group of oenologists, physicists, biologists and sommeliers, and the technical support of the University of Florence’s Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Forestry Science and Technology and the Italian Sommelier Association (AIS) - more than 20 types of wines and spirits, in an unprecedented project in terms of variety and scientific and research content. The aim is to experiment, and thus develop, techniques for ageing wine and spirits under the sea level, as well as to recover the “Underwater -52” Champagne collection that was submerged a few months ago.
Among the cellared and experimental products, the first in the world to dive into their typology are still white, red, rosé and fortified wines, sparkling wines, spirits and liqueurs, representing the best production and the great Italian denominations: Gin Portofino, Tenuta Campo al Signore Bolgheri, Niasca Portofino Vermentino dal Monte di Portofino, Azienda Federici Giulio F, La Cappelletta Portofino by the Duchess of Westminster Natalia Grosvenor, Piero Dry Gin, Francesco Intorcia Marsala, Mancino Vermouth, Primaterra Vini dell’Etna, Tenuta del Paguro Ravenna and from Genoa the Basanotto.
“The project, realized by Jamin, makes Portofino, and therefore Italy, a nerve center on a global scale for research into underwater techniques related to enology and developments in cellaring at sea for wines and spirits in general. We are proud and encouraged”, comments Emanuele Kottakhs, CEO of “Jamin Portofino Underwater Wines”, “by the great response we have received from prestigious wineries, which like us believe in innovation and technology as fundamental elements for quality and brand growth. The Portofino winery, which was set up thanks also to the trust placed in Jamin by the Protected Marine Area, now becomes a precious laboratory for analysis and study. In the world of wine we can now speak not only of terroir, but also of “merroir”. In the coming months we are aiming to strengthen our ties with the territory by opening underwater cellars throughout Italy dedicated to the service of cellaring for third parties for the many producers who have sought us out and want to embrace this refinement technique with a turnkey service”.
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