The Piedmontese Terre del Barolo, for years among the Italian cooperatives at the top of the Italian and international critics, in front of Cantina Tollo from Abruzzo, and Cantina Valpolicella Negrar from Veneto: here is the best of the best of Italian wine cooperation according to the authoritative German magazine Weinwirtschaft, which since 2010 dedicates a ranking reserved to a sector that of Italian wine cooperation, which develops a turnover of 6.8 billion euros, 47% of the total, weighs 62% on exports and 35% on domestic ones. In the top 10, follow Mezzacorona from Trentino (which with a leap of 15 positions is the one that grows the most compared to 2019), again Codice Citra from Abruzzo, and again from Trentino, with Cavit, while the top 10 cooperatives in terms of overall wine quality are closed by two ex aequo, the first all Venetian, divided between the Veronese Cantina di Soave and the Treviso Colli del Soligo, the second divided between Tuscany and Trentino, with the Cantina dei Vignaioli del Morellino di Scansano (which a leap of 11 positions on 2019 enters among the top 10) and the Cantina di La Vis and Valle di Cembra. But to testify that a cooperation more and more of quality and research and not more of pile is an increasingly important reality for Italian wine, still goes from Piedmont to Sicily the rest of the classic, where they are, in order, realities such as Vinchio Vaglio Serra, Cantina Santadi, Cantina Valpantena, Vivallis, Cantina Clavesana, Cantine Ermes, Pertinace, Cantine Settesoli, Vitevis, Cantina di Venosa, Cantina di Carpi and Sorbara, La Guardiense, Caviro and Marchedoc (Colonnara).
A separate chapter, as always, for South Tyrol, which has always been considered a case history of absolute excellence on the wine cooperation front. Cantina di Terlano, a pioneer in the production of white wines for long aging, is confirmed at the absolute top, followed by other pearls such as Kurtatsch, Andrian. Girlan, Bozen (Bolzano), Tramin, Kaltern, St. Paulus, Erste + Neue, Schreckbichl (Colterenzio) and Eisacktaler (Valle Isarco).
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