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Fine wine, the industry grows, and the “Wine-Lister” portal increases its coverage by 66%

In the “top 10” of the new entries Il Marroneto, Valentini and Vietti. Among the most important Italian wines, Giacomo Conterno and Bruno Giacosa
Fine wine, the market grows, and the “Wine-Lister” platform increases its coverage by 66%

The fine wines industry is growing worldwide, and consequently, the operators who provide specialized services for wine collectors and professionals, are investing more and more in order to expand their horizons. This is the case of the “Wine-Lister” platform, which thanks to the partnership with two platforms, dedicated to the auction market and wine investments such as “Wine Market Journal” and “Wine Owners”, has seen its coverage grow by 66%, now made by 3,140 labels, for just under 30,000 single vintages.
A significant increase (followed by others, announces the platform, which in May 2019 will be 3 years old), which mainly concerns Bourgogne, however, in the “top 10” of the new wines classified by the “Wine Lister Score” (which takes into account the judgments of critics, according to the scores of Jancis Robinson, Antonio Galloni's Vinous, Bettane & Desseauve and the Chinese Master of Wine Jeannie Cho Lee, the aging potential, the popularity and presence in restaurants, the trend of prices and volumes traded for each wine) there are also important Italian names.
If in the first two places, in fact, there are the Bollinger Vielles Vignes Francaises with 924 points in front of the Keller Westhofen Abtserde Riesling Grosses Gewachs with 867, in position no. 3 there is the Brunello di Montalcino Madonna Delle Grazie de Il Marroneto, one of the most successful realities of the famous Tuscan red in recent years. However, in Italy, there is also one of the iconic names of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo, Valentini, with 826 points, and one of the most famous brands of the Langhe, Vietti, with the Barolo Ravera at no. 825.
However, if these are the new entries, it is worth, at this end of the year, to take a look at the best Italian labels, according to the overall score of Wine Lister. The Barolo dominates the ranking.
At no. 1, for the Belpaese, there is the Barolo Monfortino Riserva di Giacomo Conterno, with 971 points, in front of the Barolo Rocche del Falletto Riserva di Bruno Giacosa, with 957 points, and the Barolo Cascina Francia, again by Giacomo Conterno, with 953 points. Then, with equal merit with 949 points, two other sacred monsters of Italian wine, the Barolo Sperss di Gaja and the Masseto, in front of the Sassicaia icon of Tenuta San Guido, with 948 points. In the “top 10” follow the Barolo of Bartolo Mascarello, the Ornellaia and the Solaia of Antinori, all with 943 points, ahead of the Sangiovese of Case Basse of Gianfranco Soldera, with 940 points.

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