Italian wine and parmesan cheese lead the international markets: in January wine exports were up 11% in value and parmesan and Grana and Reggiano cheeses 33%. The value of Made in Italy wine exported to China almost tripled and exports showed a 170% increase. These are the results of a study by Coldiretti (federation of Italian farmers) on foreign trade of food based on Istat (Italian statistics institute) data from last January 2011.
This is actually – underlines Coldiretti – just the tip of the iceberg regarding the great success of Italian food products in the first month of the year. The average value increase of Italian food products exported is 13%. Vegetable and fruit products - says Coldiretti - have also increased by 10% and pasta products by 7%, after a stagnant period in 2010.
These encouraging figures in 2011 – concludes Coldiretti – confirm the excellent results in 2010 when exports of food products reached the highest result ever, at 27.7 billion euros.
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