Italian food stimulates sexual desire better: seven out of ten experts agree that the link between food and sexual stimulation is very strong and the “Made in Italy“ ingredients and products “turn on” desire even more.
Forget champagne and oysters: the caviar and lobster era is over and the real sensual turn ons seem to be spices like chili (61%) cheeses, especially Italian ones (58%), and red wine (25%).
In the study, 110 sex therapists and nutritionists were interviewed about the relationship between sex and food. The study was sponsored by the magazine “Vie del Gusto” (The Road to Taste).
For 47% of the participants the connection between food and desire is mostly “mental” while for 46% there is also a “chemistry” factor. But who are love’s allies? Besides chili, which stimulates certain hormones that act on vasodilatation and desire, some of the other “allies” are androstenediol, a hormone found in sweat and truffles, mustard (which activates the sexual glands) and cheese that contains phenylethylamine, a hormone the brain produces when we fall in love.
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