WineNews continues its studies on the effects of the new European wine Common Market Organization (CMO) on the legislative-organizational assets of the wine sector, which are fundamental for entrepreneurial reorganization during this period of strong crisis.
If, as WineNews has already noted, in Italy the situation is still very foggy, and total silence reigns on the CMO question, other EU countries have reacted differently.
France, the country with the most famous wine denominations in the world, has already “digested” the new regulations, thanks in part to the fact that the new wine CMO is based on the French model. Both the qualitative pyramid has been adapted with AOC and Vin de Pays typologies, and the inter-professional consortiums that are recognized as third party entities have already organized their new duty as wine controllers.
Spain has also reacted calmly to the new European regulations but in a different way than France. The strong autonomy of the different regions has allowed for each region to create its own administrative rules that best adapt the areas to the CMO.
Thus, these two important winemaking countries, and direct competitors of Italy, have easily adjusted to the new norms created by the European CMO. The main reasons are not just due to the fact that these countries are modern and efficient but also because they are reactive in keeping such an important economic sector as the wine sector in good working condition, a sector that is also considered fundamental for the cultures of these countries.
The applicative rules of the new wine CMO were issued on July 24 and on this occasion as well France and Spain preferred to respond differently than Italy by anticipating the new regulations. In Italy, on the other hand, the new rules were confronted only after their publication.
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