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Made-in-Italy technology for vineyards and wine is worth 3.1 billion euros (70% to exports) and grows

The sector stars at Simei, International Enological and Bottling Machinery Exhibition by Unione Italiana Vini (November 14-18, Milan)

If Italian wine is excelling in the world’s markets thanks to the quality of its products, made-in-Italy technology dedicated to the vineyard and cellar is no less so. And just as wine is vigorously weathering the storm linked to inflation, raw material costs and international tensions, so the sector of machinery for enology and bottling confirms itself as a healthy sector, able to face the difficult economic situation, with a turnover of around 3.1 billion euros, and a very high propensity to export, with 70% of turnover coming from abroad. Photograph of a sector that, from today to November 18, is the protagonist at Fiera Milano for Simei, the International Enological and Bottling Machinery Exhibition of Unione Italiana Vini (UIV).
Of course, the scenario is, evidently, not the easiest. According to a survey conducted by the Wine Observatory of Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv) on a homogeneous and representative panel of the sector, almost all companies note an increase in raw material prices, which is concentrated between 30-40% for iron, paper and electronic components, and over 100% for energy. In addition, 84% complain of difficulty in sourcing raw materials, which mainly concerns electronic components (68%), but also paper and glass. Nonetheless, for this year the sector expects overall sales growth 2022 to be around 9% with 8 out of 10 companies expecting to close in growth, with progression expected to exceed 20% for a third of respondents, compared with 8% of companies expecting a year in substantial continuity on the previous one, and 14% fearing a contraction instead. Expectations are also good for foreign sales, which are expected to increase for 59% of companies.
For Paolo Castelletti, secretary general of Unione Italiana Vini (Uiv), “that of technology applied to wine & beverage is one of the assets of the Italian product: in 2021 the sector achieved more than 2 billion euros in exports, up 5.4% on the values of the previous year and with a trade balance in surplus of 1.7 billion euros. World-leading numbers in the sector that make it a recognized point of excellence, with tricolor innovations and solutions present in 7 out of 10 wineries worldwide”. France, Eastern Europe and the Germany-Austria-Switzerland area are the first destinations of the machinery of the companies interviewed by Uiv - Unione Italiana Vini that, overall, see the value of exports 2022 growing by 3% on the 2021 result.
The world’s leading appointment in wine technology, from vineyard to cellar, bottling to labeling to glass, Simei No. 29 has more than 480 exhibitors, delegations from 50 foreign countries and 25,000 domestic and international trade visitors.

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