Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Masi winery approved financial statement as of December 31, 2021, dividend 0.08 euros per share

The Shareholders’ Meeting of the Amarone label, 73.5% controlled by the Boscaini family, Renzo Rosso at 10% and Enpaia at 5%
Masi, 2021 financial statement

The shareholders’ meeting of Masi Agricola, the Amarone brand listed on Euronext Growth Milan and controlled by the Boscaini family (the brothers Sandro, Bruno and Mario Boscaini each hold 24.5% of the share, for a total of 73.5% in the family’s hands), while Renzo Rosso’s Red Circle Investments is at 10% and Fondazione Enpaia, the social security institution for employees and workers in agriculture, has recently risen to 5%, has approved the financial statement relative to the year ending December 31, 2021. The meeting determined the distribution of an ordinary unit dividend, gross of withholding taxes, of 0.08 euros per share, for a total of 2.57 million euros, corresponding to 51% of the net profit for the year. They also approved the proposal to allocate the remaining part of the profit for the year to the legal reserve for 253.160 euros, to the exchange gains reserve for 14.337 euros and to retained earnings for 2.22 million euros. The Group has a strong and growing International position as it is well established in 140 countries, and has an export share of around 74% of the total turnover, which reached 66 million euros, and 19.5% gross operating margin in 2021.

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