No longer a plafond of 13.8 million euros, which now rises to 21.1 million euros for national projects under the Community financial year 2022/2023 of the OCM Wine Promotion, the extension for the expiry of the applications passes from 4 to 11 July, with an extra week available, and a maximum contribution of 2 million euros for each project presented: these are the most important changes, accompanied by some corrections to typos, provided for by the directorial decree of 15 June 2022, n. 269920, of the Ministry of Agriculture, which rectifies n. 229300 of May 20, 2022, or the national call for access to one of the most important measures of the OCM Wine package. Positive news, in a phase when the sector has shown more than one concern for the possible penalization of wine (and not only) in the future EU promotion policies.
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