Robert Parker Wine Advocate Symposium, Roma (175x100)
Consorzio Collio 2024 (175x100)

Online wine sales in Italy at 200 million euros, with food & grocery at +29% in 2019

The report of Casaleggio Associati “E-Commerce in Italia 2019”. Veepee at 5 million bottles sold worldwide
Online sales of wine in Italy grow

According to Netcomm’s B2C e-commerce Observatory, the wine sector in Italy is among the most dynamic in the world of online sales: just think of the turnover, which in 2017 was 200 million euros. The food & grocery sector is certainly expanding and is expected to grow by 27% in 2019, as evidenced by the data of the report of Casaleggio Associati “E-Commerce in Italy 2019”. This positive trend is confirmed by Veepee, leader in online “event sales” of high-end products, including wine (with brands such as Feudi di San Gregorio, protagonist of a flash sale, from 10 to 12 December) which, worldwide, for the food and wine channel recorded a turnover of 120 million euros in 2018 and, in particular, for the wine sector of 60 million euros, with over 5 million bottles sold. The experience of buying wine, therefore, also passes through the online, as confirmed by the success of the Veepee campaigns dedicated to wine that see, worldwide, more than 100,000 unique visitors on average, with 70% of the traffic-related to sales of wine that comes from mobile devices, and one sale out of two was made by mobile phone. The contamination between online and offline, therefore, is increasingly evident, confirming the trend of multi-channel purchases: 53% of Veepee members say to buy through offline channels a particular wine only after having seen or purchased it on Veepee.

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