Still another time, as it happened for centuries, Pompeii writes “a new chapter” in the history of world viticulture and wine, and of its naturalistic heritage. On March, 21st, in the scenario of the Vineyard of the House of the Europa Ship, the most famous and visited Archaeological Park in the world, presents the public-private partnership for the launch of a wine company between the excavations with a complete production cycle, in a special form for the management, valorization of the vineyards in the site, and for wine production, for which it selected Gruppo Tenute Capaldo, and, particularly, Feudi di San Gregorio and Basilisco wineries, authentic “custodians” of wine history of Irpinia, and of Campania, and of Vulture, in Basilicata
The important news will be illustrated by the director of the Park Gabriel Zuchtrieghel, and president of Feudi di San Gregorio Antonio Capaldo explaining the modalities of the prestigious synergy.
A fascinating project, and of great importance between agriculture and culture with the dream to make “Pompeian wine” arise again in the ancient interred wine from the eruption of the Vesuvius in 79 Ac, Unesco World Heritage, which recently donated to the world the rediscovery of the fresco of Dionysus in the megalography of I century Bc illustrating the procession of wine god, and which continues to explain the appeal of a very ancient ritual such as that of the banquet, and of the table as symbol of maximum conviviality in which wine has always been the protagonist.
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